"I wish you woulda..." GTA Suspects Try To Outrun Bike Unit #Bodycam

3 years ago

November 2nd, 2021 (Atlanta, GA) - According APD, a bike unit responds to a call of a stolen Honda Accord. Officers pursue four juveniles (2 male and 2 female) that bailed of the vehicle and fled on foot. The two females are quickly apprehend. The two male suspects continue to flee, but surrender after a short chase. An officer recovers a handgun from one of the males after he's cuffed and tells the juvenile suspect "I wish you woulda...I wish you woulda." The suspect replies by saying that he wouldn't do that to which the offer responds "I bet you woulda."

Atlanta Police Dept Headquarters
Google: https://goo.gl/maps/n7rQrewA2BcWXcBt8

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