How To Make Him Sexually Addicted To You - How Men Think

3 years ago

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MAKE HIM WANT YOU - STEP 1: Be his “Puller...”
Let me start right away by explaining that I think there are good addictions in life. Yeah, we already know about the bad ones, but there are things we can allow ourselves get a little attached to.

Love is a good addiction.

Some people say that you shouldn't let anything get out of control. But I think that the nature of falling in love is that it NEEDS to get wild and out of control.

That being said, I believe we owe it to the person we love to be the best kind of "drug" they can get.
So you need to be his "Puller."

Remember, back in the day - 1970s?

It was common to hear a drug dealer referred to as a "pusher." It's not a desirable term, I get it.

slater dude 3 Simple Steps To Make Him Want You And Addict Him To You

And it might seem like a bit of an odd term to use here talking about love...

But - ass you're going to see - the three steps I'm outlining here are similar to the ways that a "pusher" might try to get you addicted to his "product."

Even though it's not "pushing" at all.

So let's call it being a "Puller." That's more of the power you'll have - of attraction that pulls him into your spell.

The difference is that we'll be doing it in a way that is a WIN-WIN! And that means you've got nothing to fear about using this approach.

It's the same way that people get addicted to their morning coffee, or their video games, or even texting on your cell phone.

Same principle.

So if you want to be his "Puller" - the first step is all about making him know that you're his "good time girl." And no, I don't mean that in a sexual way.

You want your man to feel like being with you is an incredibly fun event that he doesn't want to miss. So you have to make yourself focus on one feeling in him:


Whenever you get the chance, you have to fill up his Fun-Meter.

Some ways you can show him fun are to dig into his life and find out what he likes and what he's interested in. It's easy to get him to cough up information - if you know how he thinks.

(This is something I explain completely in my program: The Connection Code)

Here's the easiest way:

When you first meet a guy, you just tell him about your likes and your dislikes. Be a bit coy, but be vulnerable. Tell him what works for you and what doesn't.

This will evoke a similar reaction from him. Humans are compelled to give back to avoid creating a kind of "debt" to the other person.

reciprocity 3 Simple Steps To Make Him Want You And Addict Him To You

He will want to tell you about himself - in detail. And you can make a few mental notes and stow them away for when you need them.

Another way to be fun is to spike his adrenaline.

Adrenaline is another of the "love chemicals" in your brain that gets activated when you fall in love. So there's nothing better than getting him excited and turning on the love.

And attraction comes down to the fact that interesting people are interesting to be with.

Instead of spending your time trying to lure him in, remember this:

People who are comfortable with themselves are interesting because they’re doing things that make them happy.
And that’s always very attractive.

Now, the next step is the one that ensures that you're the only girl he's thinking about every day...

MAKE HIM WANT YOU - STEP 2: First one’s free...
One of the tricks of a "pusher" is that they would give you the first sample of their product for free. "Hey, we're all friends here! Go on! Give it a try - on the house..."

But there are two principles at work:

Principle 1) He will feel obligated to "repay" you later...
Remember that principle I mentioned about how we're compelled to avoid getting into "debt" to another person? It comes from a persuasion principle known as "reciprocity."

Reciprocity simply states that you feel the need to avoid debt to someone. No matter if they asked for repayment or not.

Jen, my wife runs into this when she does her "random acts of kindness." She likes to buy someone's coffee at Starbucks on occasion.

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You'd be surprised at how many people try to forcibly repay her - solely because of that subconscious debt.

He'll want to repay you - but in a way that will only deepen your relationship with each other. It's not obligation; it's opening the door to his genuine feelings of openness and desire for you.

Principle 2) He's going to...

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Carlos Cavallo
Dating Advice Guru
How To Make Him Sexually Addicted To You

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