Let's Play Crash Tag Team Racing (PS2/Xbox/GC/PSP, 2005) Part 1: Intro

2 years ago

Hello and welcome to a project I have had in the works since 2016! Back when all my videos looked like complete crap! Crash Tag Team Racing. Crash Tag Team Racing was created by Radical Entertainment and was released in 2005 to the PS2, Xbox, GameCube, and PSP. I got this game for my birthday in 2006, and enjoyed it. Back in my early days of my channel, I had several games in mind that I planned to play through as a Let's Play. This was one of them. I ordered the PS2 version off of Amazon back when COVID first started out and played through it again because I wanted to play a game from my childhood.

100% Run of everything. Gags, Die-O-Ramas, All cars, all costumes, all weapon upgrades, everything except the chicken challenges because there's nothing useful about them. The PS2 version does have an option for PSP lineup to get some extra cars for some characters. I do not own a PSP but it will be mentioned. At the end of the project, there will be a review of this game from a critical non-nostalgia bias.

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