"Quit Making The Bible COMFORTABLE" - Pastor Greg Locke

2 years ago

"It became a beautiful day in my ministry when I didn't care if you 'amen' me or not" - Pastor Greg Locke

In this short excerpt from his sermon titled "THE BLASPHEMY OF THE HOLY GHOST" on Sunday morning, May 01, 2022 at Global Vision Bible Church in Mt. Juliet, Tennessee, just outside of Nashville, Pastor Locke, with solid Biblical foundation (as usual), enlightened the congregation, both there in the tent, as well as online viewers, that the Bible says what it says, and people, INCLUDING PASTORS, need to QUIT MAKING THE BIBLE COMFORTABLE by using verses and passages of Scripture out of context in order to change the meaning to suit their feelings. One of the names of the Holy Spirit is "the Comforter", and part of the reason for that is because the Scriptures, by intent and design, make us quite uncomfortable much of the time, and it is the Holy Spirit who, by convicting us of our sins, causes that discomfort, yet He simultaneously comforts us while reading the very passages of scripture that he caused us to feel uncomfortable while reading.


Right on, Pastor Locke! The Truth is the TRUTH!


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