
2 years ago


The govt is at it again!
Erasing the word 'mate' from our workplace vocabulary.

We asked some freedom candidates what THEY had to say about the shenanigans!

Our all-star cast includes!
- Debra Yuille
- Jason Miles.
- George Christensen
- Steve Dickson
- Heston Russell
- Peter Rogers
- Stuart Bonds
- Allona Lahn
- Michael Smyth
- Rebeccalloydpolitics
- Jason Olbourne
- Drew Pavlou
- Morgan-C'Jonas
- Monica Smit

YOUR thoughts, Aussies???

Get the gold ring on YOUR profile pic here and show solidarity for our Aussie culture!!!!

Click the link to download it NOW 👇🏻



Written and Authorised by Rebecca Lloyd, Brisbane, Queensland.

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