Elon Musk - About Neuralink and His Brain Implant Technology

2 years ago

Elon Musk - About Neuralink and His Brain Implant Technology
The brain has multiple lobes that are known to specialize in specific functions - occipital lobe (rear brain) is especially important for vision (vision processing). I can’t see how, if someone’s optic nerve, which travels from the eye to the brain, is damaged, that a chip implanted on the neocortex (exterior brain) could correct that damage. The eye takes in information and that information travels down the optic nerve to the brain, but if it is damaged, that information pathway is destroyed. How could a chip correct this? Just as well for quadriplegic, or paraplegic injuries which are primarily involved with spinal damage, and are localized to areas on the spine. A chip on the neocortex could correct localized damaged on the spine, how? I could perhaps see dementia which is resulting from global brain deterioration due, primary, to the aging process, and certain stimulation could alleviate some symptoms, but again, memory is known to be localized in the hippocampus which is embedded deep in the temporal lobes. How could a few millimetres of penetration reach these structures? Interesting thought, but I’m not convinced it could essentially reverse or halt all damage experiences to the central nervous system.

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