Rebuild Hydro Gear Mower Transmission ✅ ● ZT3100 ZT2800 ZT3400 ● Zero Turn Lawn Tractor

3 years ago

How to rebuild your Hydro-Gear transmission yourself! Had an issue with my Gravely Zero-Turn mower where a small part broke off inside the Hydro-Gear Hydrostatic ZT-3100 transmission pump on the left side and the machine would not drive as a result. Had to tear down the entire Hydro-Gear, clean it out, replace the broken part, and reinstall all the gaskets, snap rings, and seals with replacements. In this video I walk you through all the activities to do this job yourself with basic hand tools on a work bench. These transmissions cost about $1,000 to replace so attempting a repair is always a good idea. Repair is nearly identical for ZT-2800 and ZT-3400.

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Supplies and Tools Used:
Gasket and seal rebuild kit (Hydro-Gear) -
Oil filter wrench (Channel Lock) -
Pick set (Channel Lock) -
Hydro-Gear Oil filter (Stens) -
RTV gasket sealant (Permatex) -
Impact wrench (DeWalt):
GoPro Hero Black -
GoPro mounting kit -
Download the service manual -

Some keywords to make this easier to find:
How to Start Lawnmower, Lawn Maintenance, Lawn Mower Tips, Problems starting Lawn Mower, Lawn mower starting tips, Hard To Start Mower, Lawn Mower, how to start a lawn mower, lawn mower tutorial, start a lawn mower, starting a lawn mower, hard to start lawn mower, mower issue, lawn mower issue, starting lawn mower, mower doesn't start, can't start mower, mower won't start, lawn mower fix, lawn mower won't start, Hard to start lawn mower, How to change mower oil, how to change spark plugs, how to clean air filter, how to check hydro fluid, how to change the oil on a gravely mower. Mower attachments. Zero turn attachments. Cub Cadet RZT 50. Ariens. Bad Boy. Toro. Husqvarna. Scag. ZT-2200. John Deere. Z225. ZT-5400. Transaxle.

#hydrogear #ZT3100 #ZT2800 #mowermaintenance #zeroturn #mower​ #spring​ #mowerfix

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