Supreme Court Leak: Abortion Vote Sabotaged by Judge, Clerk -- or BOTH?

2 years ago

Lawless Leftists Cheat to Win: Leaking, Lies, Fake Collusion & Dementia

More Dem Shenanigans: As if we needed any more proof than 6 years of anti-Trump dirty tricks to prove Democrats are so afraid of losing power, they will stoop to anything to keep it! Of course, now we have SCOTUS clerks, staff or even Judges leaking a proposed abortion ban to create fury around USA. But recall that Marxism is a lawless, aka antinomian, approach to power, in that it accepts no rules or laws as binding. See PH Vigor’s, A Guide to Marxism,

Liberal’s Relative Ethics: Vigor states, “The Relativity View of Ethics. Moreover, in any discussion involving ethics or morality, the fundamental point for a Marxist is that there is no such thing as an absolute Right and Wrong. Right and Wrong are relative for a Marxist: a thing which is wrong at one time, and in one set of circumstances, will be right in another.” So, for a litigant or defendant, the applicable law that should be applied to them is properly determined by “class interest,” aka by wealth, status and beliefs.

Absurd Contradictions: Consider how leftists are always in the midst of a series of contradictions on their beliefs. For example, Biden claims he’s letting an unlimited number of unvetted foreigners into the US to show the world our generosity and compassion, which will fill the US full of ready workers. And yet, tens of millions of babies are aborted in the name of convenience and “privacy rights,” despite the fact these babies would grow into similarly available workers which would prove our love of compassion and hatred of murder.

Democrat Lawlessness: Therefore, we should not be surprised when Democrat radicals pop up out of the grass at every turn like gophers from a putting green. Especially when they are experiencing a white-knuckle existential crisis, over key beliefs such as the universal need for unfettered abortion. Or, that when a genuine right-oriented alpha male gets elected to the presidency, all stops must be pulled out to derail and sabotage their entire tenure, even before he’s executed a single official act. So stealing a legal draft is child’s play to these spawn of Satan.

Exterminate the Democrat Party: So with an upcoming landslide election, the GOP should put aside all niceties and manners and simply go for the throat of the Democrat party. Why? Because if we don’t, what if we don’t survive the next round of mass sabotage, pathological lying, and wave after wave of anti-US propaganda? For, at some point, the Dems will succeed in destroying America, if given enough chances. What do you think? Please leave a thought below.

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