2 years ago

Sami Richards

The personal will and divine will are not the same. The personal will is based on conditioned desires and impulse to succeed, often with an ulterior motive to satisfy the egos need for validation. This largely stems from unresolved internal conflicts seeking resolution on the outside. This can masquerade under benevolent, humanitarian intentions and are not completely without value, but in the end doesn’t lead to true fulfilment in alignment with our souls unique blueprint.

We have a deeper assignment to fulfil to provide true heart based service to others, which facilities our personal evolution along the ascension pathway. When we are still being governed from the layer of the personality structure, our good intentions can be subverted or contingent upon certain conditions being satisfied. These have their roots in unprocessed unconscious fears. It may be fear of rejection, fear of scarcity, or more broadly, fear of death.

From this state we attempt to try to predict and control outcomes, operating from a state of resistance. This limits the expression of our divine creativity, which constantly changes according to internal transformation. This can take us down avenues we could never have expected. This is the beauty of spirit. It doesn’t conform to preexisting structures or expectations. It is an unfolding mystery, working through us as an effortless flow, bringing us exactly what we need in each moment to continue to stay in alignment with our optimal vibration.

Over time, we learn to trust this intelligence working through us. At first we confuse it with an untrustworthy external authority, because we are used to being controlled, abandoned and disappointed. We were conditioned to feel small and act within a restricted container of our true potential, rejecting the inner child and stifling our innate magic.

It takes time to break down these walls of defence to find spirit again. Learning to trust the self requires self-compassion and forgiveness. If we struggle to embody these qualities, we will project our lack of self worth onto the world, and see this reflected in the version of reality we attract. This keep us functioning on a lower timeline, which forms the basis of our perception of the world. We can only see a reflection of what our minds can conceive according to our current belief structure. This is based on the way we see ourselves.

As chaotic as the world appears on surface value, the way we respond to and navigate through these times is determined by the relationship we have with ourselves. As we tune into and embody our higher stations of identity, we align with the divine flow and fear diminishes. We break down the walls of limitation and surrender to the unknown with trust.

We witness the boundaries between the inner and outer dissolve, guided synchronistically through the evolutionary process, and in such a way that we reframe our relationship with the darkness, knowing that great alchemy can come from the struggle. This is where spiritual resilience and wisdom is ascertained. This is where true compassion and empathy is born.



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