MSF War Live: Zemo + X-Factor vs Emmarauders

3 years ago

MSF War Live:

These videos show live war offense vs. war defense battles in Marvel Strike Force. The room buffs/debuffs are live, unlike practice mode. Today's video features
Zemo + X-Factor vs. Emmarauders. This isn't my standard battle plan against Emma and company. A bigger Stryfe would've caused a lot more heartburn, but as it was, the goal is to use Zemo to 1.) Crit and 2.) Strip the Stryfe taunt buffs. With Shatterstar and Longshot, the a crit can send them turn meter to get them going much faster. Stripping Stryfe's taunt opens up a new target for Zemo's Ult...which features an ability block. Since debuffs are coming soon, Emma's special would otherwise clear them. Warding that off for one turn gives my squad a chance to come out hard and fast.

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