MSFS - Leonardo MD-82 - Spaß muss sein (4K UHD) - FlytheMaddogX

2 years ago

Don't take it seriously ^^

What happens when you land in Hamburg, let a drunken, but skilled passenger into the cockpit and he closes the door behind himself?

He flies to Dusseldorf and lands like this ;-)


Disclaimer: No passengers were harmed while making this video.

ps: Yes, I know, I am not flying exactly as per operating manual, I hope the guys of Leonardo can forgive me someday ^^.

Airport: EDDL (MSFS stock)
Addon: Leonardo MD-80 Series for MSFS ( Fly the Maddog X ) - Study level
Aircraft was a MD-82 (paintjob is from MD-88)

Aircraft available here (no endorsment nor affiliate links):

Music by Milan Koren.
MSFS Logo by Microsoft, Fair use,

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