286 Sunshine LIVE Ep 082 - Can we talk?

2 years ago

May 3, 2020 -
Let's talk about the Meet and Greet at Sleepy Hollow in Floral City this past Sunday, May 1, 2022. Who showed. who didn't, who was invited, and who wasn't?
Next Meet and Greet May 15, 2022 at Hardwood Smokehouse in the Crystal River Mall, 2-4 pm
#haterspreachhate. The #fakenewswrighter has struck again. This hating liberal democrat also supported by haters has once again attacked someone while claiming to NOT attack them. This is getting to be a pattern with the #fakenewswrighter! Check his website for the list of #fakenewswrighter supporters that promote his hate.
Last but not least an honorable mention is earned tonight by the #selfimportantJosnWooten another liberal that has decided he is the #MinisterofAgitators and the #MinisterofChristains.

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