05-12e Arcturian Alignment V - The Stream of What Is

2 years ago

05-12e Arcturian Alignment V - The Stream of What Is

This foundation is the harmonic resonance with the other where communion is translated into shared thought and feeling. It is hard for you to understand wherein your world of the third dimension has visible and physical barriers of direct empathy and singular insight by those in contact. From your perspective now you are unaware of the interlinking communication streams which connect all being. That sound and light are both vibration and that physical things are vibrating. It is odd that you are prone to believe in physical things as existing as subjects which have reality yet in your time they change over the days, years and millennia from one form to another. Just because it is slow does not mean that its existence is anymore real that that which changes quickly in linear time.

The whole idea of physical reality from your perspective is one that you believe in as real because it is solid. Yet it is only solid because of the appearance wherein you see it in this hour, day or week as solid yet it changes and becomes nothing or from dust to dust all things remain. And this dust is the quantum dust of particles which again becomes polarized and divisible known to the plasma photonic energy of which all energy is. It is here we exist in a fifth dimensional understanding and in spherical time of all possibilities exiting in a field of being at once. It is the level of your soul where we see all of your lives, experiences, forms and time lines. It is here in the fifth dimension where love is supreme and it is that which connects all realities and combines us into a whole community of shares beingness which responds to the higher dimensions which are even more difficult for you at this level to understand. In your present state of third dimensional reality you are concerned with the lowest of denominators and that is for the survival of the physical.

It is apparent to us that there can be no survival of your physical body as you see it in one form one day and in another form another day. Of which one do you wish to survive; the one that is the version of yourself last week or the one that will be the version next year? So from our perspective you are chasing an illusion that hides in linear time and never exists in any real form. We in fifth dimensional space are much more real for all of time lines, probabilities and beings are connected in perfect oneness and acceptance of their infinity. Again we understand the difficulty and the barriers that prevent you from even beginning to understand what is meant here and you are denying this as you cannot understand nor compared how you can possible even considered these words as coherent due to your barriers on your level of understanding. Using logic does not encounter this type of thought process so it must be considered unusual or erroneous. Your ideas are so congealed into a steady environment of structured ideas that you have a very difficult time to imagine and realize that the world is much larger than your conceptions. You are lost in a sea of confusion when you are beset with the idea that there are dimensional layers that intertwine with your own in a multiplicity of ways. That there are realities upon realities and that this third dimensional reality is one of the most gross, slowest and difficult. Yet there is also something within you that knows that this is true and this is why you are a Wayshower and not a follower.

As a Wayshower you are being brought to the understanding of the difference between the realities and so now you are seeing that the message that is being brought to you through this medium is of great importance as you’re one of a great being called humanity. In this great being most of the individuals are followers who are locked into a struggle for survival and are on the lower path of existence. As you are connected to the stream you are sensing that you have a grander destiny yet one that is connected to be of service to the greater whole. It is herein that your purpose is to design systems and technologies that allow the advancement of humanity into a great engine of evolution which will assist the planetary being to reach a higher state of evolvement. You still doubt this great planet upon which you reside upon and seek to leave this being as an inanimate object. You must understand that in the fifth dimensional or the multidimensional matrix model that the physical third dimensional nature of things is only a very small part of the being. The hubris and ignorance of your species is built in yet to remember that this is not the case is the first sign of awakening. The battle you have with accepting a higher being that you call god is only in concept for you all agree in higher powers yet you anthropomorphize this god and make it a human deity wherein you lack the awareness to feel this god under your feet or shining warmth thought your skin from the light of the sun. It is the power of the spherical fifth dimensional universe that all that is god. It is your awareness of their next field of experience that gives you a loss of awareness and a confusion because of your intrinsic barriers.

From this greater infinite sphere that is called a universe there are other infinite spheres which are called other universe. In the limited third dimensional framework you cannot visualize this became your first requirement to understanding is a constancy energy you call time yet from our perspective time is not constant nor an energy but a factor in a dimensional field. A formula for the experiencing of events, an unraveling of the higher intelligences. Time is nothing more than an inner characteristics of one of the universes. It is not something that is part of the main stream of what is.

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