99 (Original Video) by Toto ~ Part Three of the Trilogy, 99, Most High!

2 years ago

There has been a lot of speculation over the years as to whom this gorgeous song is written to...but for me, it has always been apparent that this was a Love Song to God, as it followed the Journey on the beginning of the Hydra album...one, Hydra (knowing that your one true enemy lays within you), the Dragon that must be slayed, two, St. George and the Dragon, going within oneself in SILENCE to slay the Chaos of the Dragon with Stillness, and three, 99, Reaping the Reward of your Courageous Work, the KNOWING of God, Within You, in Stillness and Silence, opening the Akashic Records which exist in all amounts around us, in the Aether...

The song was also written in Tribute to the George Lucas, Francis Ford Coppola film, THX 1138, starring Robert Duvall...Set in a Futuristic Godless Dystopia, where Man lived UNDER the Ground working Demanding jobs & living Loveless Lives...Being forced to wear the Same Uniforms, take Mind altering Drugs, daily, where Family, Relationships and Sex were eliminated, and all Emotions were controlled...Thus, George Lucas created a Film, and David Paich wrote a song, that showed us that God had been obfuscated by the Ruling Element, or Cabal, and was missing in our Lives...99, Most High, which is God and His Vibration of Creation thru His single principle of LOVE...

Lucas, Coppola, Robert Duvall, Toto, Jesus Christ, Mother Earth and God...WHITE HATS...

99 in Gematria = Most High, which is God...it is also Living God, Biblical Lord, Really Godly, Im Christ, God Loves, Thirteen, Firmament and Patriot...

This incredible band that came thru Artists such as Steely Dan and Boz Scaggs, spent their entire careers writing songs exalting God, Mother Earth, and Jesus Christ...and they have been one of the most Loving, Helpful Rock Bands in all of Rock and Roll, as whenever another Band needed help, the Band members of Toto were there to put the NEEDS of Others before themselves...the result? God is obviously Greatly Pleased, as are we all...to this date, Toto has sold over 60 million records, while taking on subjects that have included our Flat Earth, The Firmament, and that Everything that Organized Society Teaches us, is a LIE!

God Bless the Band Toto, where T = 20, or 2...thus, Toto can be seen as 2020, which, of course, not only means "Perfect Vision", but "The Level Truth" as well...

So, Sit back, Relax, and Enjoy this masterpiece to the glory of God's Creation, and please remember friends that Colleen and I take care of 73 Animals here at our Animal Rescue Sanctuary, if you can comfortably afford to donate a little towards the costs of caring for our precious Family, we would greatly appreciate it...if you cannot afford to help, you can help in other ways, including sending us your Intentions of Love, of Strength and of Wisdom...you can send a monetary donation to:


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Justin Carpenter:

Enjoy, Love, CF

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