NDs Supporting Vaccines?

2 years ago

If you don’t like the F-word, this is not for you. This is Doctor Yummy, unplugged. Want to see how pissed off I can get? ND colleagues posting vaccine propaganda is the way to blow my top! This is 1 of 2 RANT videos I have made. The second to be uploaded after this one. This is CATHARTIC because many people want to say what I just did here but can’t. So hopefully this makes you feel better.

Think twice if you are a brainwashed shill, non-thinking, robot, brain damaged and third-eye blind zombie about posting here. Go back to the rock you crawled out from under.

For those awake, aware, educated, healing from your own vaccine damage, frustrated at the evil taking over our earth who are working to destroy all truth and all that is good, real, and every form of natural medicine, this one is for you.

Thank you for subscribing, giving me a thumbs us, sharing with others who are needing support and release from all the ignoramuses on this earth, hitting the bell so you get notified for my second rant video and praying to God we survive this Orwellian dictatorship working hard to cull humanity, dumb everyone down and take away all freedoms we have.

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