Spring Cleaning & Moving Forward, mailing list contact information please

3 years ago

This is Rebecca (Karchere) Roseberry saying, “Hi” from Pure NEWtrition. Over the past 21 years of my practice, we have crossed paths and connected somehow. You have been a part of my email list and/ or social media list-Thank you!
I am doing a big spring cleaning of my contacts. If you have not been receiving my emails, social media posts, or if it’s been years since we have spoken, please update me on your:
a- name _________________________
b-email address __________________________
c- phone number __________________________

Fill in this form:

I am moving my social media platform to Telegram, “Rebecca Roseberry’s Pure Conscious Community” The address is https://t.me/rebeccapureconsciouscommunity

You are invited to join me there. I will be posting my original content only, on Telegram. I am moving away from companies that are collecting data, censoring and exploiting their users. I’m here to help people like you, heal authentically, by providing information to help you thrive, not just survive. You know how I think already because you’re a part of my mailing list, LOL.

Anyway, please email me, text me, or message me, your updated contact information, so we can move forward together. I look forward to you joining me on my new social media platform. As always, you can always contact me for a personal session or go to my website to purchase my book, online classes or products.
Have a blessed day and I hope to see you soon,
Rebecca, medical intuitive, nutritionist
Pure NEWtrition
“Health is Inner Peace”

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