Bill Gates: $10 billion vaccine investment turned into $200 billion economic benefit (2019)

2 years ago

In this interview from 2019, Bill Gates estimates that the $10 billion his funds have invested in vaccines over a 20 year period, has turned into $200 billion of economic benefit. That is a 1900% profit.

For comparison: investing that money in a widely diversified stock market fund (S&P500) would only have yielded a 70% total return (i.e. with dividends reinvested) over the same period.

Gates does not go into detail whether that $190 billion economic profit has flowed back to himself or his funds, or is more of a societal kind of benefit.

The interview also discusses a statement by Scott Gottlieb that all the medical 'misinformation' spread by 'anti-vaxxers' might lead to the resurgence of certain diseases like measles.

NB: Scott Gottlieb was the 23rd commissioner of the FDA from 2017 until April 2019. Currently he is on the board of Pfizer (among other functions). This revolving door where people switch between 'governing' agencies and for-profit companies that are supposed to be governed, is quite common. The person in question might play very nice while in their government job, and subsequently get rewarded with a very lucrative job in industry or vice versa.

I'm wondering if Gates could explain to me how this works: If a person with a healthy immune system is vaccinated against the measles, how does someone else NOT being vaccinated put them in danger? They are already protected by the vaccine, right? So why do others also need to be vaccinated to protect them when they're already protected by the vaccine?

Also, since the immune system of the blood and tissues is almost complete separate from the immune system of the mucosa and gut (according to dr. Sucharit Bhakdi), by what mechanism does Gates explain that the measles vaccine (which is injected) provides sterilizing immunity, i.e. prevents transmission of a respiratory virus?

If he claims the measles vaccine prevents transmission, would he please share with us all the high-quality scientific evidence this claim is based upon?

If the measles vaccine does not provide sterilizing immunity, why do people need to get vaccinated to protect others?

It would also be nice if Gates could explain the measles infection fatality rate (IFR) for healthy children and whether there are alternative ways to prevent severe disease, such as safe and effective treatments.

Could Mr. Gates also please share with us all the high quality scientific evidence that vaccines have a net all cause morbidity and mortality benefit? After all, the real goal of vaccines is not just to reduce the risk of a specific disease but to lead to a quality of quantity of life benefit.

Measles infections had already been reduced to almost non-exist before the vaccine came along. Could Gates please tell us how this is possible and how we could put this knowledge to use?

Could it be that the further reduction in measles cases since the introduction of the vaccines, could be completely explained by classifying the same disease as caused by something else or other explanations that have nothing to do with vaccination?

Gates says that parents may be putting their children in danger by not letting them get vaccinated. This would be true if the vaccines were strictly necessary, safe and effective. Since he seems to certain, could he please provide all the double blinded randomized controlled trials (DB RCTs) with many years of follow-up to show safety of the measles vaccine?

Could he talk about the safety of the vaccine when it's combined with many dozens of other vaccine doses in a small body over a short period of time? Could he talk about the harm of all the combined aluminum and other toxic adjuvants that are injected into the blood stream?

Could he please explain why he discouraged Donald Trump to do research on vaccine safety? Wouldn't a positive outcome (as expected) lead to increased vaccine uptake?

Finally, there is a rumor that the personal doctor of the Gates family has said that Gates' would not let his children get vaccinated. Would Gates testify under oath on which vaccines his kids did and did not get?

If his kids actually did not get one or more vaccinates on the schedule, how much trust should we have in his claims on the necessity, safety and efficacy of vaccines? After all, "Do as I say, not as I do" does not inspire a lot of trust.


Bill Gates: My ‘best investment’ turned $10 billion into $200 billion worth of economic benefit | CNBC

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