Scratch that! Plan B? 🤷🏻‍♀️ How NOT to travel with an aging, ailing dog.

3 years ago

My longest video yet? OK! Well, we finally made it out of town in May...just as the gas panic began in NC 🤦🏻‍♀️ But we went anyway and the Good Lord provided 100% +!

Our biggest challenges turned out to be...

1) Libby. Her anxiety was preventing her from relaxing. Panting non-stop is not good for her cortisol (Cushing’s) issues and she was exhausted. She wasn’t making it beyond easy TN. It broke our hearts to see her not settle in. We had to stop. None of the travel anxiety remedies we had hoped would work, did.

2) our exhaustion. We thought we’d leave at night, get a jump on the traffic. One loud laying on the horn from a trucker to wake me up several hours in was all I needed. Very scary. We aren’t in shape for this kinda travel. Not right now anyway.

Thank God we were able to stop, turn around (for a few minutes) and stop again. We all needed a break. So, we spent the week in Gatlinburg/Pigeon Forge, TN.

The week was redeemed, although we were disappointed to not see our friends, we were safe and that’s what mattered. It could have been a disaster, but again, God provided and protected all of us.

So it’s time to reevaluate this mini-van experiment. Might need something a bit larger for long trips (more than a bit). BUT we’ll keep the KV as she is for now (I’ll need the bed post-op - more later on that).

So here’s a little montage of that week 😎 Thanks for watching and being a part of this ever-evolving journey of ours! 💜

The Original KarahVan CamperFam

*snippet off the radio playing on one of the slides, "Life is a Highway", written, performed, composed, and recorded by Tom Cochrane. 1991 Capital Records.

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