Alisa Vitti: How to Work WITH Your Hormones (Instead of Against Them)

3 years ago

We know women's hormone cycle throughout the month, but do men have hormonal cycles as well?

We often think of men's bodies as strictly utilitarian, unchanging and predictable... like a Jeep.

But the truth is far more interesting.

When we work with our hormones instead of against them, we can experience profound improvements in the health of our bodies and our relationships.

So returning to the show today is Alisa Vitti, a women's hormone and functional nutrition expert and best-selling author of “WomanCode” and “In the FLO.”

If you want to use the rhythms of nature and chronobiology to your advantage, this show is for you. We're talking about…

• How to work with your hormones (instead of against them)
• The profound effect of the circadian rhythm on your health
• Harnessing the power of your biological rhythm to maximize workouts, support happy relationships and accomplish more
• How to front-load your calories to avoid binging later
• Simple tweaks that can bring you back up to feeling your best
• And tons more...

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