06/04/21 Fri: Trump Speaks! Cortez for Criminals; Tulsa Riot Hype

3 years ago

0:00 Fri, Jun 4, 2021
2:26 Last Time Lost Count, 90lb
3:50 Hey, guys!
5:56 Trump updates
25:48 Robert in KS
38:56 Super Chats
43:27 Earl in MI
57:16 Bernie, Cortez
1:00:18 Intro: Ninety Pound Wuss
1:01:09 One Track Mind, 90lb wuss
1:03:05 Music comments
1:05:45 Cortez is evil
1:10:35 Joe in Phoenix, AZ
1:23:12 Marjorie Greene, Crime
1:31:16 Super Chats
1:33:03 John in KY
1:53:34 Donning Armour
1:59:33 Straight Pride, Super Chats
2:00:50 Blank Stare, 90lb wuss

The Hake Report, Friday, June 4, 2021: Trump rallies coming to FL, GA, OH, NC — media mad. Fauci is a phony tip of the iceberg! GREAT CALLS! See below. Bernie is another liar and fake, just like Alexandria Cortez who pretends lower violent crime comes with fewer people in jail. Crime spikes majorly post-BLM, and the media pretends to care too late.

Also check out Hake News from today.

Robert from Kansas gives health advice, and addresses various callers including Donning Armour on masks, and Rick from Maine on minimum wage.

Earl from Michigan shouts at James about the Tulsa riot 100 years ago, and chuckles at the thought he gets under the skin of people giving super chats.

Joe from Phoenix, AZ requests Newsboys and Mississippi Mass Choir, then talks about wild kids he's coached now graduating and working. He accuses JLP of lying and claims crime is the only way people can be out-of-control.

John from Kentucky parrots complaints about sentencing for "nonviolent drug offenders," tries to bring up other crimes, and justifies assault over the N-word.

Donning Armour, CA is very into the white thing, thinking race matters more than right-and-wrong, calling Christianity a destructive lie. He doesn’t watch CNN or support shutdowns, but defends wearing a mask and getting a vaccine.

MUSIC: Ninety Pound Wuss: "Last Time Lost Count," "One Track Mind," and "Blank Stare" (minus hidden track) from album Where Meager Die of Self-Interest (1997)

BLOG POST and PODCAST: https://www.thehakereport.com/blog/2021/6/4/060421-fri-trump-speaks-cortez-for-criminals-tulsa-riot-hype

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James reads Hake News on The Jesse Lee Peterson Show and produces Church for Jesse's nonprofit, BOND a nonprofit dedicated to "Rebuilding the Family by Rebuilding the Man." http://rebuildingtheman.com | http://jesseleepeterson.com

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