94.4FM Salford City Friday Sports show with Jimmy Petruzzi interviews Jess Baker,

3 years ago

In case you missed tonight’s sports show or would like to listen again 94.4FM Salford City Friday Sports show with Jimmy Petruzzi , MSc ( Psychology and Neuroscience of Mental Health), MBPsS , interviews Jess Baker, a Chartered Business Psychologist, Associate Fellow of the British Psychological Society, and Women’s Leadership Coach (CPsychol AFBPsS). For the past 20 years Jess has been working in the areas of leadership and wellbeing with individuals and global organisations.
In this interview Jess discusses how she helps people to overcome self-doubt and supercharge their inner confidence, courage and self-compassion
Jess also runs an online programme, Tame Your Inner Critic, that’s had over 1,000 participants, also a Trustee of BelEve UK, a charity that delivers leadership programmes for girls in schools and communities where she is originally from in SE London.
To tune into this interesting and informative interview
Click on the following link


Or the following link

94.4FM Salford City Radio Friday sports show
Bringing you all the latest news from around the local area and around the world
Making a difference through sport!
We also feature segment speaking to some of the world’s most influential professionals in the field of psychology and related field

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