Does Joe Biden Fantasize That He's A Spy?!! 3846

2 years ago

Good evening, I’m still reporting on the Chinese coup against the United States.

Does Joe Biden fantasize that he leads a secret life as a spy sitting at the top of our government, yet working against the United States?

As outlandish as that may seem on first blush, a story in the New York Post lays out this possibility due to recent revelations out of the Hunter Biden laptop.

Starting in October, 2016, Joe Biden’s last month as Vice President, Biden started using the pseudonym “Peter Henderson” – a fictional character from at least four of Tom Clancy’s novels, when writing to his son, Hunter, and other family members. But get this, Henderson was a Soviet spy who had infiltrated the U.S. government.

Biden sent the messages using an email address with the name “67Stingray” in it, a clear reference to his beloved green, 1967, 300 horsepower Corvette Stingray convertible.

Biden has made reference to this vehicle lately during an Earth Day appearance in Seattle two weeks ago he said:

“I’m an automobile buff. I have a ’68 Corvette that does nothing but pollute the air. But I don’t drive it much.”

Actually, it is a 1967 Corvette, as featured in a 2016 segment of “Jay Leno’s Garage”.

Biden was still using his spy cover name on Jan. 3, 2017, less than three weeks before his last day in the White House as Obama’s Vice President when he sent Hunter an email saying:
“Keep in touch. Love, Dad.”

Biden continued using his fake spy cover name for at least a couple more years. The last message tied to that name on Hunter Biden’s laptop was in Feb. 2018 when his sister, Valerie, suggested that he accept an invitation to speak to a class at the Univ. of Pennsylvania.

By then, Hunter Biden, had snagged tens of millions of dollars, much of it feathered out to other members of the Biden family. Hunter, himself had even accepted a thank-you gift of a 2.8-carat diamond from a Chinese business partner, which later Hunter and his wife would argue over during their divorce proceedings.

As a result of the Biden family’s business dealings in China, the Dept. of Justice opened a probe into Hunter Biden’s tax affairs and business ties in China and Ukraine covering his involvement in more than two dozen entities and his closest Chinese business partner, Ye Jianming, vanished in China amid suspicions of “economic crimes.”

Remember, up to this point, Joe Biden was exchanging emails – even among his closest family members, under the pseudonym, Peter Henderson – a fictional spy plotting against the interests of the United States.

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