The Unveiled Patriot - Episode 23: Elon Musk & Free Speech

2 years ago

In this episode, I give my opinions on the entire Elon Musk Twitter debacle and highlight some of the outlandish reactions to this situation. I don't want to hold Elon Musk on a pedestal or as the savior of free speech... but thus far I am definitely on board with this maneuver. I know I am not in the negotiating rooms and do not know the grand scheme of things that will play out in the future with Musk and his goals with twitter... but again... this is my fucking podcast and I want to give me thoughts on the matter because I am believer in free speech! If I am missing vital information, you know what to do.

I speculate the importance of this topic based on the insanity of mainstream media to Mr. Musk and Twitter... it predominantly stems from left-wing pundits, politicians and blue check mark brigades. Their reactions... speak volumes to me about what is at stake here in regards to information flow and narratives. Is it also a coincidence that one side of the aisle wants more free speech and the other wants less? When in history... has it been THE GOOD GUYS... who are pushing for MORE CENSORSHIP???

If you've been up to speed lately, the digital public square of twitter and other tech platforms have been compromised for years now. This story is as big as it is because Elon Musk, along with millions of other concerned citizens, are seeing through the bullshit. Wait until you hear some of the absolute garbage I recite to you VERBATIM from the people who are terrified most for not being able to implement THEIR RULES and THEIR REGULATIONS anymore.

"I disapprove of what you say... but I will defend to the death for your right to say it"

Can you honestly say the same?

Enjoy. Or not.

Yours truly.

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