Doc Talk - Gallbladder Problems

2 years ago

There are many reasons why the gallbladder may become painful or inflamed including gallstones, a thickening of the bile, or malfunctioning valves. While it is important to address the source, during an attack often all patients can think about is relieving the pain. The good news is there are several treatment options available to alleviate the painful symptoms and help reduce future incidences of gallbladder pain or discomfort. In this episode of Knoxville Medicine's Doc Talk, host Rob Page, MD and special guest, Kyle Kleppe, MD, will discuss some of the most common symptoms associated with an inflamed gallbladder and the latest treatment options to address these issues. For more information on Dr. Kleppe and University Surgeon Associates, P.C., visit their website at or call (865) 305-9620. Knoxville Medicine’s Doc Talk has been brought to you by FirstBank. Helping People Build a Better Future, visit

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