Voice of Warning Series-Class 10: "The Psychology of Mass Formation Part 2"

2 years ago

This is a continuation of the in-depth coverage of Mass Formation Psychosis or Mob Psychology, whichever term you prefer to use. This phenomenon is as old as the existence of man. One of the earliest recorded instances of mob psychology is the Tower of Babel. Later in history, Elijah stood as a witness against mob psychology before the Priests of Baal. In the Book of Mormon, Abinadi dared to challenge the mob psychology of King Noah and his priests. One of the finest examples of Mob Psychology is found in the Book of Matthew, through study of the Ministry of Jesus. He was always challenging, pushing-back, and defying the mob psychology of the chief priests, scribes, and Pharisees. Near the end of Jesus’ ministry on earth, mob psychology seized the masses which resulted in the crucifixion. All of us sometime in our lives have fallen into the trap of mob psychology. Falling into the snare of mob psychology has a predictable series of phases. The common denominator of these phases is a loosing of moral standards until it appears that the person caught in the snare has limited morals.

Again, the only antidote to avoiding deception is to study, question, watch, and pray always, and study the scriptures.

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