Protecting Our Own 1 (Christian Wives) - Part 10 of "The Truth Will Set You Free"

2 years ago

In Protecting Our Own, we delve into one of the most famous (or infamous, depending on how you view it) passages in all of Scripture - Ephesians 5:22 - 33. Paul's directive to Christian wives to submit to their husbands, and to Christian husbands to love their wives as Christ loves the church. It’s both famous and sadly, infamous, because of the misunderstanding surrounding it. For some, it’s a mandatory reading at their wedding, for others, it’s a “you better not dare read it or quote it to me” passage. And there are a lot of articles, blogs, opinions, and commentary on this Eph. 5 passage. And it can get really confusing reading them all. So we are going to try and sort it out by showing why some have an issue with it, the wrong ways it’s been interpreted, and then looking at it correctly in context – within the context of the original audience, within the context of the whole chapter and the whole letter to the Ephesians, and within the context of other Scripture. And we will pull in some commentary from some very credible and sound Biblical theologians. There is so much to delve into in these verses, we need two episodes to do it! In this first part, we will look at the imperative for Christian wives to submit to their husbands. Join us!

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