FAUCI SUMMARY VIDEO 39 = Chapter 12, Part B - War Games: Genesis of the Biosecurity State

2 years ago

Pages 376-445

Taxpayer money is being used to fund a whole bunch of things that you may find disturbing.

For instance, did you know that the CIA actually has an investment arm called “In-Q-Tel” - this is how United States intelligence services invest in start-up firms on the cutting edge of innovations… innovations focused on military and pharmaceutical applications! Awesome!

To keep this summary simple, let me just summarize that there are lobbying operations like Alliance Biosciences that are in the bioweapons industry that have zero traceability and accountability to Congress or the American taxpayer. What could possible go wrong?

Just a couple months before the 9/11 attacks, in June of 2001, a war game called “Dark Winter” at Andrews Air Force base simulated what would happen with a smallpox “attack” on the country.

BOOK, Page 385: “The Dark Winter exercise eerily predicted many aspects of what would follow just months later with the anthrax letter attacks. Such uncanny miracles of foreshadowing became a recurring feature of each subsequent Germ Game”.

It’s almost like they plan for it to happen and then they make it happen, but the military-industrial complex and big pharma would NEVER doing anything to purposely harm the American population.

The question we should REALLY be asking ourselves is - why is the CIA so concerned about being involved with vaccines globally? Its institutional culture is concerned with power and control - not with public health or democracy.

BOOK, Page 389, “The CIA has been involved in at least seventy-two attempted and successful coups d’état between 1947 and 1989, involving about a third of the world’s governments. Many of these were functioning democracies. The CIA does not do public health. It does not do democracy. The CIA does coups d’état.”

If the CIA doesn’t care about my health, I wonder if they are in touch with the World Economic Forum on a way to eradicate me?

Did you know that we keep small pox storages in place so that we can “create vaccines” with them?
So let me break this down for you. Small pox is BAD NEWS FOR HUMANITY. So we want to STOP IT and PREVENT it. So we are keeping small pox ALIVE so that we can make VACCINES to prevent it from existing in the first place. Which means we could just stop housing and creating small pox and stop it right there. Duh.

More in the next installment!

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