Taking down a widowmaker with bobcat e42 R-2 series mini excavator

3 years ago

Jan 21, 2022. Join us for a quick video of taking down a big widowmaker tree that had several very big branches still on it up at the top. We did not have a chainsaw handy so I gave it a push with the bobcat e42 R-2 series mini excavator. I pushed it as slowly as I could, as I have learned that if you push them a little fast, that is when the big, dead branches up top want to break off! This is on a home demolition project, so stay tuned to the channel for the demolition mini series coming out soon. I'll have to demolish it in 2 parts since we filled the dumpster up pretty fast on the first day! Thank you. Kapper Outdoors, living the dream, one acre at a time. Here are a couple of other demolition video's that might interest you:
DOUBLE WIDE DEMOLITION TIME 1 OF 2: https://youtu.be/xjz7y__zUXc
DOUBLE WIDE DEMOLTION TIME 2 OF 2: https://youtu.be/F0lopFHQn3M

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