The Great Reset: Usher in Global Socialism

2 years ago

Covid Pandemic – The Great Reset, we’ve been hearing a lot about both. What’s the connection between the two? Tom DeWeese will make the connection and more!

For several decades the forces of the Left have been preparing for global control. The United Nations has been in a relentless drive to destroy national sovereignty, kill free enterprise, and eliminate private property. They have openly promoted these goals through Agenda 21, Agenda 2030, and the Green New Deal. Many thought these were just too radical to be taken seriously. Finally, as a trial run, the global forces succeeded in shutting down the world economy under the man-made Covid Pandemic.

To achieve it, the UN used all of its resources, including the World Health Organization, International Monetary Fund, and the World Economic Forum to take the final steps to lock it all in. They call it the Great Reset, and they plan to use the Covid Lockdown as the guideline for finally imposing their ultimate goal. Control of energy, food supplies, manufacturing, Wall Street investing, development, and individual choice are all the targets to bring it about and change human society forever, under their thumb.

Tom DeWeese will give you the details on who and how it’s being done, and most importantly, what can we as individuals do to stop it. Don’t miss hearing and learning about this topic that everyone is talking about.

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