Its all a bit of a sh** show

2 years ago

The world is built up on opinions, ego's and out doing each other with money.

Money is root of all evil and No matter how much paper you got you still a living Wo/Man.

To build a better world, is to have a understanding of OUR law.

If everyone could understand the simplist of common law you see life would just go on as usual.

Bonus Card is you get to cut the middle man out too. 🤣

Life is not about greed and being better then each other. Its about working together in the areas that are important to us such as food and creating new source of energy.

We all have values, We all have something to give no matter your back ground.

Past is the past move on..

Stand up make change live life with knowing you put truth into it instead of living under false narratives.

Only you can choose your path.

You can fight for you kids future and teach them spend more time with them.


Keep in the same circle of life moaning nothing is changing.

Its down to us to remove these people.

To make change is to bring everyone together to file there own evidence pack to a judge and put it to your MP Council etc...

We then vote someone else thats listens to the people. Ill fight for it all. To you have it all. I'm about give the good to the people.

Its all a front and tgey benefit from your hard work using Corporations.

Common Law = Common Sense = Respect & Decency = Right & Wrong = Wo/Man = Freedom

You will only get your power back when you stand for truth.

Lets Protect the future of our children to stop them becoming ourselves.

Lets build our children up with confidence, teach them the basics of life. Make them aware of the shit going on. I know that difficult for some but only you know what you want you children to become.

If you don't teach them values and what kind of person you want them.

With kids you can steer them into a great being.

Every word you use towards them, every action you take. We have a responsibility and this to me is the start of the new world.

Firstly we need to come together individual Power
Strength in numbers.

What future do you choose because every day you become a cliche in the matrix the more it crumbles.

If we did it together we would have alot more then we have now. If you don't ask and take action correctly you never get things sorted.

Buy Silver, Stock up on food, be viglant have an open mind.

We are at war and its on your spiritual consciousness. Its knocking your intelligence to think ok the BOX. 📺

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