Update on Russia and Ukraine, What's New?

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Today on “Catholic Drive Time,”

Will Russia use a nuclear weapon? Col. Matt Dooley joins us. ALSO – New Lepanto Institute Report coming out today, Michael Hitchborn fills us in. ‘Ghost of Kyiv’ Fighter Ace Is Actually a Myth, Ukraine Military Admits
Col. Matt Dooley – Russia and Nuclear war?
Russian Foreign Minister on use of Nuclear weapons - Sergey Lavrov
They claim they are defending Russians in Ukraine
Locals in the Donbas have claimed the Asov have been then real invaders
Did we not go to Granada to defend Americans?
An ongoing proxy war
What series of events would need to happen to result in a nuclear weapon being used?
Would NATO retaliate?
Sergey Lavrov – claims Zalinsky is ignoring the offers of Russia in the peace talks.
Is a negotiated peace possible at this point?
Rumors of Vlad’s health

Michael Hitchborn – Leponto Institute – New report on Bishop's funding pro-abortion orgs.

Investigation: COVID-positive nursing home residents were given deadly euthanasia cocktails
Archaeologists find cave, then realize 70,000 Christians may have hidden in biggest underground city on Earth
Warren Buffett has given $50 million to pro-abortion ‘Catholics for Choice’

Second Hour: breaking news, saint of the day, Gospel, Plus New Round of the Catholic trivia game show Fear and Trembling!!!

Then Stay tuned for the Catholic Drive Time After Show!!!! Starting at 7:30 am where we let our hair down and speak more casually across our live streams. We will field questions from our comment sections.

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