Strength and Wrestling - Farmer Strength

3 years ago

Young athletes can develop strength by working out and lifting weights, this is good. Exorcises like push ups, pull ups, and barbell lifting are all very effective at building strength, but youngsters have other opportunities to develop strength every day. This is done by how they work and play. Riding a bicycle, climbing and swinging on a rope, running, and any number physical and fun activities can make them stronger. Daily chores around the house and yard work can involve strengthening the body as well. Here is an example of some farm work. Putting up fence involves lifting and carrying heavy objects, hammering staples into fence posts, and using other tools. All of these tasks will develop hand (grip) strength, a strong back, and leg strength.

Big thank you to Bad Karma Wrestling for the awesome Free Style training featured in this video. Find Bad Karma on Facebook.

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