Peter Wickham _60,000th Ozzie Made KENWORTH song.

2 years ago

PETER WICKHAM - GreatOzzieTruck'nFamilies
and the 60,000th Ozzie Made KENWORTH song.

Born in Warrick Queensland Australia, Peter and his older brother Angus were 13 months apart, they were very close, growing up like twins, (Angus born December 1940 and Peter January 1942).
The Wickham family moved to Spring Creek Mountain Killarney, where their father took up a rundown property full of black berries, bog holes and billabongs, and as Peters words and song lyrics reveal, the locals didn’t think they had a chance in that wild and untamed country.
Their mother and father proved those doubters’ very wrong, for they saw that wild country had potential… with hard work and good spirt, they could go on and make a living off that land… But it wasn’t easy.
From those early beginnings, to present day, Peter Wickham has endured all the up and downs thrown up against him, over those many years, the hardest was that November day in 1998 when Angus passed away, which Peter recalls in the lyrics of his song the 60,000th Angus was 58 years young.
Wickham Farms today provide farm produce delivered across the nation, families far and wide consume the well grown varieties of potatoes from the Wickham Farms.
Transporting that produce and much more across the eastern sea board of Australia from Melbourne Victoria, Sydney NSW and up to Cains in Northern Queensland, the WICKHAM Freightlines of 150 Kenworth Prime movers is considered one of the best in the business.
So, it was when Peter Wickham was asked to say a few words at the delivery to WICKHAM Transport of the 60,000th, that’s right 60,000th KENWORTH Prime Mover (built in Australia) at the KENWORTH production line in Melbourne, that Peter Wickham’s song writing and vocal talents where to debut to an audience of 600 production line workers who had gathered for the occasion.
The song written and performed by a nervous Peter received such a positive response that 39,000 hits were recorded via the YouTube streaming of the event.
This passion of Peter Wickham to write and sing his original songs that reflect the history and heritage of his family from back in the day to now and into the future, as his children and grandchildren take the journey “Along Life’s Highway “.

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