Chicken Tractor Design: Joel Salatin Style

3 years ago

This is a Joel Salatin style chicken tractor and how I have used it to raise over 1600 chickens on 1 acre of pasture in one season. Use this design on your homestead for backyard chickens or enter into the world of pastured poultry profits and generate some income from raising meat chickens.

This year, we are going to raise our cornish cross meat chickens slightly different and making a simple modification to this Joel Salatin style chicken tractor. Make sure to subscribe to our channel and follow us this season to see how we will use this chicken tractor along with poultry netting to create movable paddocks. This is a great design for homesteads or small pastured poultry farms.

These chicken pens can be used for raising meat chickens such as cornish cross, freedom rangers or heritage breeds.

The design for this chicken tractor is in Joel Salatin's book "Polyface Designs" which you can buy here:

What I Use On My Farm
Chicken 5 Gallon Waterer -
Chicken 3 Gallon Waterer -
Chick Mason Jar Waterer -
Chick Feeder -
Brooder Lamps -
Brooder Bulbs -
PremierOne Poultry Fencing -
PremierOne Fence Energizer -

#raisingchickens #howtoraisechickens #Raisingchickensnaturally #Buildingimmunityinchickens #chickencoop #Homesteading #Raisingchickensforeggs #keepingchickens #Raisingchickensformeat

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