DUNE: Spice Wars - Main Theme

2 years ago

Main Theme for the game DUNE SPICE WARS.


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What is DUNE Spice Wars?

Dune: Spice Wars is released on Steam in Early Access by French development studio Shiro Games on April 26, 2022. The game is inspired by Dune and Dune 2 with a strong influence by the books rather than the movies. The new game is a hybrid of RTS and 4X game mechanism, according to the studio: "Is it an RTS or a 4X? It is both. The game is real time, but the pace is slower than in a typical RTS (and you can pause and fast forward). The game also features exploration, territory control, economic growth, combat, politics and spying, features that make it a true 4X game but do not detract from the core RTS experience that players would expect.

#DarekBaird #DUNESpiceWars #ShiroGames #Dune #RTS

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