Tucker: Nina Jankowicz is the most ridiculous of all in Biden's Ministry of Truth

2 years ago

April 28, 2022
FOX News

Nina Jankowicz doesn't believe in the First Amendment

MAYORKAS: We have just established a mis-and-disinformation governance board in the Department of Homeland Security to more effectively combat this threat, not only to election security, but to our homeland security.

Oh, so one of America's top law enforcement officers just announces to the Congress that actually we're going to be policing what you say and everyone in the room kind of nods. "Oh, yeah, it's totally normal." But here's what he didn't say. So Mayorkas told us that disinformation is a threat to homeland security. Now he's the head of the Department of Homeland Security, so presumably he would know since assessing threats to Homeland Security is his job, but what he didn't tell us is how he's defining disinformation.

So here we have this new and terrifying thing that the Biden administration is so concerned about that it's created a new agency to fight it, but Mayorkas never said or even hinted as to what it might be. So, the man in charge of the disinformation governing board never defined disinformation. It's almost unbelievable when you think about it. Would you declare war on a country you couldn't name? Would you sentence someone to death for a crime you couldn't describe? Of course, you wouldn't. Not if you were a sane and decent person because you can't have justice without precise definitions. That's why we have very large books of law that define what is allowed and what is not. But they're not defining the core concept at the heart of what is effectively a new law enforcement agency. Maybe that's because Mayorkas doesn't want justice, and neither does the president he serves. They want power and to get power, they plan to control what you think. Watch Mayorkas explain.

MAYORKAS: We have so many different efforts underway to equip local communities, to identify individuals who very well could be descending into violence by reason of ideologies, of hate, false narratives, or other disinformation and misinformation propagated on social media and other platforms.

Oh, did you know that? So, one of our biggest law enforcement agencies has men with guns around the country doing so many things to stop disinformation and false narratives. Those aren't even lies. They're just deviations from the approved script. Mayorkas told us again that men with guns planned to "identify individuals who could be descending into violence." Could be descending. Not people who've committed violence or even been accused of any crime at all. DHS is instead using law enforcement powers to identify and punish people who think the wrong things. That would be opponents of the Biden administration. Is this dystopian fiction? No. It's happening right in front of us.

That means that Joe Biden's partisan political enemies are now officially enemies of the state. How is this happening in America? Good question, but it is happening and Biden's new thought-cop-in-chief has been revealed. She's a 33-year-old, highly self-confident young woman called Nina Jankowicz.

Jankowicz comes from a place called the Wilson Center. That's a nonprofit named for America's other mentally incapacitated warmonger bigot president. Ironically, because everything is irony, the Wilson Center is itself a major producer of U.S. disinformation, but of the neocon variety, and for that reason is heavily funded by the Biden administration. Jankowicz is also, because everything is connected, a former adviser to the neoliberal government of Ukraine, the government we're shipping tens of billions of tax dollars to as our own economy swirls down the drain. So, you really can't make any of this up. It's too grotesque. Would you believe a novel with this plot? No, you wouldn't, but it's happening and that's the bad news.

The good news is everyone involved in Joe Biden's new Ministry of Information is a buffoon. They may be evil, but they're also ridiculous. Nina Jankowicz is the most ridiculous of all. So you read about her appointment in The Washington Post this morning and immediately thought of the NKVD because why wouldn't you? Yet even the NKVD, even at the height of Stalin's purges, never did karaoke. They were too dignified for that, but Nina Jankowicz happily does. Here she is.

JANKOWICZ: Information laundering is really quite ferocious. It's when a huckster takes some lies and makes them sound precocious by saying them in Congress or in mainstream outlets so disinformation's origins are slightly less atrocious. It's how you hide a little lie, little lie. It's how you hide a little lie, little lie. It's how you hide a little, hide a little lie. Rudy Giuliani shared bad intel from Ukraine. Or when TikTok influencers said COVID can cause pain. They're laundering disinfo and we really should take note, and not support their lies we our wallet, voice or throat.

After all those years of advanced education, Nina Jankowicz became an internationally recognized expert on disinformation and not only that, she can't even rhyme very well. What Nina Jankowicz can do, her one skill, the purpose for which she was hired, is level partisan attacks on the other side with maximum ferocity. That is her real job. Now, you may have noticed if you listen carefully to the ditty that she just sang that every example of disinformation in her karaoke performance came from people who opposed Joe Biden's policies. Is that a coincidence? Probably not. In fact, we know it's not because Nina Jankowicz is telling all the disinformation is on the other side of the political divide. Listen.

JANKOWICZ: Most of the disinformation that we've seen in this highly emotionally manipulative content is coming from the Right. If you look at the top-10 most engaged with posts on Facebook or Twitter on a given day, they are usually posts that are coming from the Right and that's because the Right does deal on this highly emotional rhetoric.

Here's a direct quote from Nina Jankowicz's book: "To be a woman online is an inherently dangerous act." Keep in mind, if you're a lady and you were to, I don't know, order UberEats, you're exposing yourself to danger. This is the same woman, Nina Jankowicz, telling you that it's the right that uses emotional rhetoric. Now, to be fair, Nina Jankowicz probably didn't expect a lot of people to read that in her book because no one read her book. It has a total of two reviews on Amazon, but we did read it. We'll get in a moment to what we found because it tells you exactly what we can expect from our new Ministry of Truth under Nina Jankowicz, but first, it's necessary to know a little more about this person.

Now, she's not simply a hypocrite. She obviously is, whether she knows or not. She would be too dim to understand hypocrisy. What she really is, of course, is a hippie for the Democratic Party, and she's done that job flawlessly. Nina Jankowicz, the disinformation hunter, once called the Hunter Biden laptop story, which is entirely true, a "Trump campaign product." In October of 2020, she wrote "Voters deserve the context, not a fairy tale, about a laptop repair shop."

It's hard to even believe our system produces people like this. She's an illiterate fascist. In another book, Jankowicz made it clear that she's not in favor of government regulation of social media when it allows conservatives to speak freely. So, she devotes an entire chapter to criticizing the country of Poland for establishing its own Ministry of Digital Affairs. Polish officials said their ministry was a way to, "deal with rampant online censorship of conservatives and social networks," but she's against that. She's against the anti-censorship program. She's for censorship.

She wrote that Poland is making a big mistake in pulling back censorship and we're quoting: "Poland's nearsightedness is leaving it extremely vulnerable," she wrote, and the solution, she wrote back, is for the U.S. government to "lead in regulating and conducting oversight" of people who disagree with the Democratic Party on Twitter. So, the truth was never the goal. And we're quoting again: "We are not even sure that facts can prevail over disinformation," Jankowicz wrote. We must first begin with addressing social media.


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