GR58A- Children of Terra I

2 years ago

GR58A- Children of Terra I
Wayshowers you have entered the time period of the sacred now of transformation. This is the time of harvest where Terra calls to produce your creation. On August 22nd the fullness of the harvest will be known. It is at this point the honored, those who have been of service are distinguished in their giving will receive the rewards of awakening. The selfish, careless and the deceitful will receive what they seek in justice and direction. The value of the world has been taken and used in conflict, chaos and in selfishness and so justice will has come with a strong hand to redirect those who have pushed against the will of the greater being. Those who have corrupted their will in defiance to the grand plan will suffer until they return to the way of the flow and the path of creation.

Terra has her way and her patience in bringing balance yet when the humanity is ripe in consciousness the time is now for harvest. This judgment comes from the awakening energies as collective co-creative power. Source energy manifests in agreement with Sol and Terra. All that you have thought is created within as a thought form that will surely become a manifestation and together humanity dreams and co-creates into existence love and light of the world and the sun.

It is time to dream of the new world opening into balance and harmony. Revenge and distraction of seeing kings of the earth battle for the resources of Terra’s body is over and passes into forgiveness. Men of greed and desire are to pass away and fall into the great river and be taken under within the current that always flows. The way of return through the Pillar of Light into the Emerald Heart of self realization awakens you to the next realm of expression. Manifestations of energy systems, pure nourishment and divine intelligence give humanity strength of conviction to be of a higher path of ethics and clarity.

The Heart of the Lion is opened up by the power of Sol. Warrior spirits of the Wayshowers protect and lead the family of light and raise their swords up in honor, consideration and respect for the light of truth. The great sword cuts away the blocks that entangle the masses in the chaos and confusion of terrorism by the few. Sol’s light dispels darkness and brings life to Terra. The life is always sure and true in the stream of the Sol’s energy. There are no shadows from Sol for the strength of the light is Source’s essence and all that is. Light radiates out from divine love and is given unconditionally. Ask for peace, prosperity, harmony, abundance, safety, enlightenment and unity. Ask for the blessings of creation to manifest beauty and perfection.

In the news and everywhere is experience the evidence of reality shows disasters, changes, troubles, wars, conflict, deceit, greed, fear and pain. In your seeing you are aware that these are the things of knowledge of the temporal reality that gives your heart sorrow and your mind heavy thoughts leading to despair and judgment. It is not for you to experience these things if you are in alignment with the higher light. You are awakened as a creator of your reality and in your creation you are in harmony with the good that brings abundance, prosperity, health, peace and joy. The path that leads to joy is followed by your heart. Your mind turns and looks back upon the adventures of those who trust what was and attempt to return and face the unstoppable power of the flow as it will eventually persuade them to follow the ascending lighted pathway.

In blocks and problem, conflicts and imaginations there is pain and hurt as some of humanity tries to set a course against the flow and remake history that has been experienced. The past was given and it is gone into the deep with your memory in the vault of knowledge. There is a great well of passion held with the experience and there also a powerful stream that fills the well with the coming future that is known by intuition, prophecy and expectation. Let those who stop and stand against the flow feel the power of the waves of change. Call to them but do not turn and look into the past.

The creators of the new age are the initiators. They are the same and all are here in the capacity to bring forth the world of light.Ask for and believe in what you are to accomplish and do not give any power away to those who loudly proclaim their dominance. Dominance of power, force, finance and or policy fades as the will of society becomes the aligned with stream of the light. The world and the family of this shift will find those who have sought to hold power will lose it, those who have gained through the loss of others will feel their pain, those who have demanded more for themselves from others will receive less from source and in all nations the great turning of the wheel will move the family of light closer to the heart of love, sharing, giving and receiving abundance. The warriors will lay down their guns in remorse and sorrow. Their eyes will be filled with tears and every feeling of their victims will be born within their bellies. Presidents, ministers, directors and officials who have lied shall feel their minds burn with fire and their hearts grow cold with death as their days of power are ending.

In service the vanguard of the family of light comes as angels to heal the sick. They come with helping hands and open hearts from every sector of life to heal. The service of healing the body and children of Terra is the path of enlightenment. Desire for her wealth has no place in the future for her wealth is always given, as the light of Sol is always radiant, full and shining. Terra sings to her children and calls the wayshowers to heal the sick and awaken the dying to the gift of eternal life. Suffering ends for the Children of Terra as she comforts them with unconditional love and the blessings of creation.

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