America: #freedom #humanrights #electionintegrity #templemount #twitter #elonmusk

2 years ago

Just returned from a visit to the land of the free and the home of the brave. Freedom and human rights for all people are essential for modern democracies. They are routinely violated on the very holiest Jewish site of all, the Temple Mount in Jerusalem, for Jews and other non-Muslims. In response to violence and riots all visits by "infidels" have been suspended entirely at least until the end of Ramadan. This is both outrageous and illegal. In the USA, the administration of the imposter has now plumbed new depths of absurdity and oppression in seeking to create a "disinformation governance board" to counter freedom of speech on social media, especially Twitter now that Elon Musk has taken it over.
Americans, stand up and be counted and fight - within the Constitution and American law of course - for your rights to be restored. While the world is watching, the ball is in your court alone.

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