Client Complaints Legal Malpractice Tully Rinckey PLLC/ Supreme Court / DCBAR

2 years ago

#RegencyFurnitureLLCSettlementDidNotPaid #OneNewsPageInternational #FILAMUSADiaryJournal2022 #OneNewsPage #RegencyFurnitureLLCDidNotPaidSettlement #RegencyFurnitureLLC #RegencyStadium #MarlosFurniture #AshleyFurnitureHomeStore #AbdulAyyadRegencyFurnitureLLC #AhmadAyyadRegencyFurnitureLLC #AbdulAyyad #AhmadAyyad #OneNewsPageRegencyFurniture
#FoxBusiness Missing Attorneys #DouglasWDesmarais #KerstinMiller Falsified Document and submitted to #DCBAR #AttorneyGrievanceBARCounsel this is Fraud under US Code 26-6663 this is a violation of Attorney Act Laws Rule 19.308.4 and Title V11 Civil Rights Act 1964 For disclaimer it was the #EEOC who granted permitted allowed me to sue the Muslim Company #RegencyFurnitureLLC Owner #ABdulAyyad #AhmadAyyad and the BLM Registered Sex Offender CAL1537300 CAL1238859 #BalitangAmerica #RaffyTulfoInAction Missing Attorney disappeared did not paid #Settlement #RegencyStadium #MarlosFurniture #AshleyFurniture Why Regency Furniture LLC hired criminals, felons, registered BLM sex offender but denied TRUMP SUPPORTER EMPLOYMENT why the Employment Laws are not applied equally #OneNewsPageTullyRinckeyPLLCClientComplaints #OneNewsPageUSA#OneNewsPage #TullyRinckeyPLLC Why is your Lawfirm keep asking for more money when you're Attorneys #MikeCFallings #CherilCannonEsq #StephanieRappTully Abandoned me on #November2018 and why do your #TullyLegal refused to provide me a receipts in amount of $30,555.90 why your Lawfirm refused to provide me a copy of the legal contract with signatures and refused to provide me a copy of the settlement summary charts please provide me a receipts in amount of $30,555.90 Legal Contract and Settlement Summary Charts #SupremeCourtJustices #ipaglabanmokarapatanmokabayan #TullyRinckeyPLLCClientComplaints #TullyRinckeyPLLCMissingAttorneys #OneNewsPage #AmericaFirstLegal #OAN #Newsmax #MikeCFallingsAbandonedClient #MikeCFallingsLinkedInClientComplaints #LinkedIn

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