Hi-tech Hell on Earth | Episode 12

2 years ago

How do you feel about becoming a “product” in the New World Order clown scheme? That’s literally what the parasitic-elite psychopaths have in mind for you. They want to jack you up with nanotech, connect you to their “smart” grid, own your DNA, call your physical body their “intellectual property,” and prescribe your future (if you’re allowed to have one). It’s almost unbelievable. For that reason, Liberty Man takes us on another tour into the ubiquitous and covert technology deployment that is unfolding worldwide. This time we discuss nanotech’s mutagenetic potential, mRNA changing your genetics through reverse transcriptase, along with intellectual property protections for the downstream complimentary DNA (cDNA). Paul Wittenberger is riding shotgun to show us a bunch of admissions from pop culture, government think tanks, and control freaks like Bill Gates that confirm they are indeed planning to enslave humanity while setting themselves up as gods (so they think).

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