Sound of waves to sleep soundly relax ,Sea Noise black screen Meditate Yoga

2 years ago

Sound of waves to sleep soundly relax ,Sea Noise black screen Meditate Yoga

It is proven: the sea gives us tranquility and rests the mind. The smell, the color, the temperature and the sea breeze, the immensity of the surface of the water… The brain receives a small amount of visible elements and they are an invitation to disconnect. Listening to the sound of the sea provokes emotions.

And listening to it with a dark screen for 12 hours optimizes the sensations generated. You will have the impression of being on the sand of the beach, with your body relaxing, your breath slowing down and your mind balanced.
All the accumulated stress - caused, for the most part, by large urban spaces - disappears at once. The noise of the sea recharges our strength, gives us energy and calms our spirits.

It is a noise that follows a predictable wave pattern, with smooth volume and harmonic frequencies at regular intervals. It can reduce anxiety and cortisol levels generated by life in big cities, traffic, work or academic routine.

Not to mention the calm transmitted by the blue color of the sea. The human being feels calm and contemplative admiring the infinite expanses of the ocean, where there are no aggressive visual changes and the horizon is total, although it is also true that this causes panic and discomfort in some people.

The sea helps us break the vicious cycle of worries and negative thoughts that afflict us on a daily basis. This causes an improvement in sleep and also a general feeling of slowing down, as if time has stopped. You will be able to enjoy the noise of the sea with its waves for 12 hours with a dark screen.

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Welcome to the Sounds of Nature Channel! ! !

Beautiful landscapes, animals and the most wonderful sounds of nature and relaxing music bring peace, calm and relaxation to your life!

Nature sounds are music to us and we need to hear them!
Nature is the most beautiful and perfect poetry, the most beautiful painting that we can see, touch and feel. The stillness of the wind, the singing of birds, forests and waterfalls, and the beautiful sound of rain, take us away from reality.
Being in nature is a calm, it really calms us down and its sounds enchant and relax us. If we stop and feel nature, we notice how peaceful it is and how we learn wonderful things in the small details.
Music for sleep will also be very present here, as well as relaxing music for you to listen to on a daily basis, whether at work, at study or in search of moments of inner peace, with videos, sounds of nature, ASMR and songs to calm the mind, to calm your mind.
Lots of nature, music and sounds to relax, study and get a good night's sleep.

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