Remembering The 2020 Bernie vs Warren Fight That Divided Progressives

2 years ago

During the 2020 Democratic Primary Bernie and Elizabeth Warren were in a tense battle for the nomination. One of the most critical moments of that campaign was when Elizabeth Warren said on the Iowa debate stage that Bernie told her a woman could not be president. Bernie denied he ever said that but the damage was done and a large schism between the two camps was formed.

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Sam: The relationship with Elizabeth Warren. And which I think you know probably culminated on some level on the debate stage. I can't remember which debate it was.
Guest: Iowa January I believe.
Sam: Iowa in January. And I mean what's your perspective, what was your perspective, or what was the campaign's perspective going into it? And how did that change over the course of the campaign and what is your perspective on it in retrospect?
Guest: sure. There was a real divide in the campaign going on about whether she would be a strong candidate or a weak candidate. Bernie interestingly looking back in retrospect everything that happened always thought and always kind of scolded people who thought she would be a weak candidate. always said she's a strong candidate. She's really smart. and she has the ability to win this race. And if she does win this race you know she can win. He thought he was a better candidate. no doubt. but he always when other staff would kind of point out her weaknesses he was always very like no no no stop. like you're on you're really underestimating her. and you know what we saw as she launched her campaign in late December. We had a very clear system for tracking almost on a day-to-day basis other candidates' online fundraising. especially at points where act blue was releasing a lot of data. so we were able to quickly see that her opening fundraising wasn't very good. You know, it was a few hundred thousand dollars. which is well below expectations. didn't show much momentum. she was coming off the very bad video she put out on the native American issue etc. we launched the campaign but the thing we owe we realized going back even a year before that there was a meeting in my apartment where we met with Bernie before he decided to run. he was kind of resistant to even doing the meeting. but we're like we need to start thinking about this. where we started developing strategy and one of the things our research showed us was that Bernie and Warren weren't the Venn diagram of voters that was covered. it would be that Bernie Biden was a huge Venn diagram. Warren was a more Venn diagram of our voters. Basically her voters were wealthier and had better education. Our voters lower the education of less wealthy people of color actually in our voter group. especially Latinos. and our voters and Joe Biden's voters looked much closer than Elizabeth warren's voters and our voters. and so we were kind of going for two different groups in a way. and a lot of the campaign allowed us to completely remain almost as allies. if you remember the Detroit debate they kind of stood there and just took arrows and just like bucked them off from everybody on their policies. I think in terms of strategy and in terms of the development, I think there are a few key moments I address in the book. one is right, post-heart attack is a really intriguing moment for us. because the day we had the heart attack that week warren goes ahead of Joe Biden for a very brief period in the polling. and Bernie slips to fourth place in Iowa behind Biden warren buddies Biden warren and budget according to the des Moines register that as the gold standard and Setzer poll. At that point, we were supposed to go up on air with basically a million dollars a week in advertising in Iowa. we paused it because of the heart attack. but the next week we were right back on the air.

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