Music Therapy: Anti Depression, Stress and Anxiety Healing Relaxation

3 years ago

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☮In today's hectic days and with so many complicated situations in everyday life, we need some time to relax, rest and meditate, achieving a calm state is not easy, but it is definitely worth it.
This video is to help you meditate, calm your mind and focus, whether at work, your studies or even at home.

The sound of nature helps improve health

Researchers from Carleton University,
Michigan State University,
Colorado State University and the National Park Service
analyzed the results of listening to natural sounds
and they found surprising benefits for human health.

The research team found that people experience less pain,
less stress, better mood, and better cognitive skills.

The sound of water is more effective in enhancing positive emotions
and health outcomes,
while the sound of birds can combat stress and annoyance.

Relaxing Music - Mind Calming Music - Sleep Music - Deep Sleep Music - Meditation Music - Deep Focus Music - Study Music


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