After losing son, mom works to 'change the outcome' for opioid users (Liz Collin Reports | Ep. 10)

2 years ago

Colleen Ronnei joined Liz Collin for an episode of Liz Collin Reports this week to share the story of her son’s death and her mission to stop others like it.

Luke Ronnei struggled with mental health issues his whole life, Ronnei said, but he received great care and counseling. His anxiety worsened in high school and was coupled with depression. When he was prescribed opioids after getting his wisdom teeth out, it was a quick downward spiral into an addiction he hid well, his mother said.

Luke’s drug dealer, Beverly Burrell, is now in jail for selling drugs to five men who died of overdoses.

Watch Liz's report on the opioid crisis in Duluth:

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