So it is by Forrest Fenns ghost

2 years ago

The truth about the Thrill of The Chase and what will become the known place that Forrest wanted his bones to rest.
And why Jack Stuef is trying not to disclose the TARGET SPOT is because? And he worked with a lady named Tess and PhIl Flaskerud to steal the treasure a week before he says he found it. When people go to this location then and only then will we get to the truth, Everybody knows I know her the truth and something is wrong! I walked the whole river to wonderful location where I found a place I fell over the edge and into the water and discovered the washing machine that made the marbles in the room below the water the room Forrest describes is right in this location and everybody will not see it but must feel with imagination.
Send this location a week and a half before the treasure was disclosed as found Phil stood right in front of the room and told me there was nothing there, and that he checked &I trusted him.when I got home to Iowa I knew something was wrong so my wife and I got back in the vehicle about seven days later because Phil told me he could not leave until Thursday he was waiting for a phone call around 1 o’clock to see if he could go with us and I believe that is the exact day that still got a call from his friend Tess and Jack that they retrieved itand when I got back in that river I discovered exactly what I was telling them for weeks we were looking for and that is a little room underwater exactly like Forrest been described did the chest would fit into and if you look at the watermarks on the chest plastic in it you can see it was only in water one time and dried one time. This is a natural washing machine and the only place on the river you cannot see the bottom is because the water turns and is dirty.

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