Moms Cancer Journey

2 years ago

Mom first had cancer in her breasts, and had to get them removed.
She had surgery in the summer of 2017. We thought she would be done with cancer after this, and we were wrong. The cancer actually spread to her brain and spine. This is a rough timeline on how it happened. And I will also talk about hospice too.
February 26, 2020: My mom had an MRI done, and they found something in her brain. She was taken to the hospital for it on the 13th, and the surgery was last Tuesday. They found a tumor in her brain, and they consider it stage 4 cancer since it came back. She already had breast cancer, and two breasts were removed in 2017. 8 lymph nodes were removed two of which has cancer on the right. They automatically put it to that and we know the plan of treatment till Friday. All prayers are appreciated. And she will beat it again.

March 7th 2020 :So my mom has cancer for the third time in her brain again. This time it is on the lining that covers the brain. We are highly hoping that 10 rounds of radiation will finally cure it all. And that she will never get it again. Brain cancer sucks.

March 27th 2020: Mom update. She is having surgery next Wednesday for her portocaf and they will be drawing spinal fluid to make sure she doesn’t have cancer there. It is a lot to deal with and I hope it turns out negative.

April 3rd 2020:Mom had surgery Wednesday and she did really well. She is a little groggy still with a mild headache. And we are waiting for the results next week. Pray for a negative cancer diagnosis!

April 19th 2020: You know isolation is bad when it even drives me crazy. My life is much more peaceful without toxic people and I am not going to waste my time on them since I have better things to do like write. The tests for mom came back positive and she has cancer in her spine. She is going to chemo twice a week for it, and I pray it is over in a few months since that is how long she has chemo for. This is just hard all around….

May 14th 2020: Mom update they had to put her on a new chemo drug to make the cancer go away faster. And the day before Mothers day she fell and broke her arm so it has been a long road. She will heal with her arm, and our hope is the new chemo drug will finally get rid of the cancer for good.

May 29th 2020: Mom update: The new chemo drug didn’t work as well as well hoped and it made it worse. We had to call the ambulance again after mom had issues standing up to go to her chemo appointment. After she went to the hospital she got an mri done and it wasn’t good. The cancer in her spine is faster then they thought. They took her off chemo and put her in hospice care. They estimated she has only 2-4 weeks to live. It is hard watching a loved one suffering because of cancer. I will cherish the times I have with her now since she is in high spirits….

June 13th 2020: 2-4 weeks my ass..she is already beating the odds. Week 3 and she is still alert and drinking/eating some. Mom is anything but average and is trying the best she can to hang on. She is getting weaker but she is still herself. Me and the whole family are making sure she is comfortable and has the drugs she needs for pain. She is a trooper and I definitely take after her!

July 4th 2020: Happy 4th! I will be writing some and seeing mom some since she had to be moved to the hospital for wound care. This is rough, but she is still fighting it.

July 22nd 2020: Mom update: Mom lost her battle with cancer and passed away this morning….

Link to rest here!

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