52 YEARS in a BATHTUB. The Internet MUST SAVE Lolita From Miami Seaquarium

2 years ago

I am going to Miami Seaquarium with Phil Demers (The Walrus Whisperer) on June 5th at 12 Noon to BUST poor Lolita the Orca, out of her concrete prison bathtub - WHERE SHE HAS BEEN FOR 52 YEARS. You are invited to help us liberate her, by creating much needed awareness to a unique topic that WE AS PEOPLE ALL AGREE ON!

Join Phil Demers (The Walrus Whisperer), and I at Miami Seaquarium on Sunday, June 5th at 12 Noon. It's time to bust poor Lolita out of her concrete prison bathtub. All details will be made available on our Instagram's: https://www.instagram.com/walrus_whisperer/ - https://www.instagram.com/bright_insight/
FOLLOW Phil's YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/soldynblue
Support Phil's Legal Fund (I've personally donated, and his cause receives my highest endorsement). A cruel, wealthy corporation attempted to silence him via frivolous lawsuit, thus accumulating nearly $500K in legal debt. Look into this, it's utterly unreal. I F'ing hate when bad things happen to good people. This is Right Vs Wrong, Good Vs Evil. https://www.gofundme.com/f/wpxc9-defend-animal-abuse-whistleblower

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