Social Media Censorship

2 years ago

Naomi Wolf Compares Social Media Censorship To 1930s Book Burnings In Germany!

The Ministry Of Truth Is Now A Reality. The Ministry of Truth is one of four ministries in Oceania in George Orwell’s novel ‘1984.’

Its Government Name is Disinformation Governance Board.


The first principle in battling against the Disinformation Governance Board is to not to accept their terminology. Controlling language is a specific tactic of the professional political left. We used to call it labeling, but modern leftists moved beyond labels into the creation of new definitions.

Modern leftists now use two different strategies depending on their target: (1) create new words, the traditional labeling; and (2) redefine existing words.

Don’t waste time debating “misinformation”, “disinformation”, or “malinformation”, instead accurately just say those things do not exist. Information stands undefined.From that position there are truth and lies. This is the correct approach.

Do not accept the insanity of the Saul Alinsky language effort. 

The US Government created Disinformation Governance Board exists but disinformation does not.

Information stands undefined.

There is information the Government, Disinformation Goveranance Board, wants us to hear, and everything else is disinformation or misinformation the U.S. Govt disapproves of.

…”There is no such thing as “disinformation” or “misinformation”. There is only information you accept and information you do not accept. You were not born with a requirement to believe everything you are told; rather, you were born with a brain that allows you to process the information you receive and make independent decisions.”… 

Ultimately, the government is not trying to control words, they are trying to control thoughts.

Hence the biden regime's new 'Ministry Of Truth' that they call the disinformation goveranance board.

Information stands undefined at my website:

Today I have learned I have been tricked by the 'ministry of truth' into using some of their terms such as misinformation and disinformation.

In the future I will be careful not to use the disinformation goveranance boards terms of disinformation and misinformation.

There is NO disinformation or misinformation.

Only information undefined.

The biden regime 'ministry of truth' wants you to think otherwise.

Naomi Wolf Book

The Bodies Of Others

The New Authoritarians, COVID-19 and The War Against the Human Hardcover – May 31, 2022

The Bodies of Others is about how we came to the harrowing civilizational crossroads at which we find ourselves - engaged in a war against vast impersonal forces with limitless power over our lives and which threaten the freedoms we have always taken for granted.

In her most provocative book yet, Dr. Naomi Wolf shows how these forces -- from Big Tech and Big Pharma to the CCP and our oligarchical elites -- seized upon two years of COVID-19 panic in sinister new ways, to not only undermine our Republic but to fundamentally reorient human relations.

Their target is humanity itself. Their end goal is to ensure that our pre-March 2020 world is gone forever. Irretrievable. To be replaced with a world in which all human endeavor-all human joy, all human fellowship, all human advancement, all human culture, all human song, all human drama, all worship, all surprise, all flirtation, all celebration-is behind a digital paywall. A world in which we will all have to ask technology's permission to be human.

Naomi Wolf Eloquently Deconstructs the Terms Dis, Mis, and Malinformation

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