Hot Competition - Search Engine Optimization (SEO, SERP, LTD) tools are plentiful, small business

3 years ago

In this video we will have a look at Sheerseo, Serpwizz, SERPstash, Keyword Fox, Ubersuggest and look how they compare with each other as well as how the compare with the market leaders SEMrush & AHrefs. At a fraction of the cost of the market leaders how well do they compare and which offers the best value for money.
Check out also

1. SERPstash - cheapest all in one tool
2. Keyword Fox - keyword specialist
3. SERPwizz (Search Engine Results Page) - site analysis specialist
(Combine Keyword Fox with SERPwizz and you have a powerful set of features)
4. Sheerseo - Mid price all in one tool
5. Ubersuggest - Most expensive out of our Lifetime deal apps, but still only slighty more than one month with the market leaders

(Remember to use your VPN, if you had to pay one. Just this purchase alone would pay for the VPN, I used Fastest VPN with currently has a LTD)

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Which SEO & SERP tools do you use?

Why do you use them?

Here are my scores for the all in one SEO & SERP apps
1. SERPstash - 2.5/5
2. Sheerseo - 3/5
3. Ubersuggest 4/5

Disclosure: I have purchased Ubersuggest so have a bit more experience with this tool. I also can speak from personal experience about the high quality customer service they provide.

I am not an expert, I am starting out on this journey but this is my first impressions. So they are likely to change and depending on your needs you might prefer this tool of others that are available.

Digital marketing is the future and I do not just mean digital promotions, I mean using digital assets like SEO & SERP tools can greatly increase your ability to perform.

FREE TOOLS are PLENTIFUL in this space - Google has many and many of this tool offer a free version so by mixing and matching you might not even need to spend any money. Until you really know what you need it might not be a bad idea to save your coin til you know what you will actually be using.

Other SEO optimizing tools for marketers, small business & content marketing in general include
1. - This has a current lifetime deal through their website, is help guide you to really understand your niche and create based of what your niche is actually wanting or needing.
2. NeuralText - Is also currently available on a lifetime deal at the Appsumo Store...
3. Outranking - just finished it's life time deal

What tools do you use to assist you in your market research and content creation? Do you use any of these tools or other tools? What are you using?

In the making of this video we used the following tools and services...

OBS (free screen capture/recorder)​
Namecheap - domain name register
'Branded Link Shortener' url redirector
Cloudflare DNS management, free accounts.

As well as we use -
*Laptop - Lenovo ThinkPad Laptop (Webcam for recording)
*Microphone - PoP Voice Professional Lavalier Microphone
*Lights - house lights plus a flexible desk lamp

If you purchase anything through our links you are not charged anything extra. The price is the same, the only difference is that we get rewards and bonuses if you happen to make a purchase on some of the links provided. So it is like a win-win :) we like win-wins!

We wish to give you an insider view on the tools and system that we are using to build our business. So we can learn together on what works and what doesn't work. We feel that by working together we can all benefit and reap the rewards.

PS if you sign up for a Groovefunnels Platinum (all in one digital marketing suite) through our link
we would love to give you a free Lynxshort account (an unlimited custom url re-director) just let us know once you have made your Groovefunnels purchase at
& we will give you a url shorten, re-director account for free as a thankyou! PSS this offer is limited we only have a certain number of accounts to give away in Lynxshort.

Lifetime deal sites -
Dealify -
Deal Mirror -
Saas mantra -

Free business automation -

Thanks for reading and watching :)
What should our next video be about?

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