Elon Musk psychic reading

3 years ago

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Elon Musk psychic reading
1st layer of aura: nervous, doubt about direction he took as kid. Locked up within safety, missing fun/childhood play. Doubt/unstable = lacking female joy. Stuck on self-doubt = not connecting. Next step: Pay attention to others, leap of faith (jump into water) to listen to others.

2nd layer of aura: Putting things off, cold detachment = suppressed emotions. Looking at watch. Very important people, becoming cog in the system, desperation. Next step: throw birthday party for someone.

3: Able to laugh and enjoy, party. Under surveylance (military). Contract (scientist working under contract). Top secret meetings with high level individuals. Secret plans, making business deals (not government - but very militant). Part of bigger plan to connect others into the economic plan. Gathering personal information. He is in charge, but taking orders.

4: Superman passionate heat (orange red), Very driven. Failure is no option. Fueling anger into manifestation. Invincible. Possessed by desire to succeed (world dominance). Dark energies want to take away joy and replace with seriousness. Next step: playing basketball to change focus on other goals rather than obsession.

5: Annoyed with others communications, surprised by stupidity. “How could they think that?” Introverted internal dialogue, delayed witty responses. Next step: more private time spent with others - soul level.

6: Narrow focus, but very intricate and thorough - math/science/teaching. Caught up in work, missing bigger picture, missing birthdays. Ignoring. Good intentions get carried away.

7: Over worked, underdeveloped spiritually. Confronted by higher self = deer in headlights. Caught up in head, ideas, looking up, need to look down and notice where he is and his surroundings and the people who care for him = woman. Ignorant like baby.

Does he really think aliens don’t exist? He is like baby, too much fear to even care. Under so much pressure from contracts = too scared to want to know. He thinks he must stick to plan unwavering. Under threat.
Not sure what to believe himself, compartmentalized, traumatized.

Who does he have contracts with? people like the world economic forum, great reset. Hidden Kings on thrones, secret technology/information, psychological manipulation.

Accepted corruption. Next step: Flick away news reporters/journalists and find private time to connect back to his inner world and imagination without external demands consuming his head space. External demands take on demonic energies. Quiet time with loved ones creates a connection to the pure and curious part of him again.

Future: Recklessly throwing everything he has, walking away to next plan and repeat. Some miss some are a hit, coordinated projects hold each other up synergistically creating success - all part of mastermind plan. Taking very big risks, but calculated plans making it fool proof. Modesty in future once all plans are thrown as hard as possible. Shoot for the stars and even if you miss you will land in the sky. Exuberant target will not all be met, but enough will to create solid foundation. Then he will party and stop expanding once everything connects up. He will continue maintenance and improvement, but no more additional projects.
He is working with corruption in order to create more freedom from the corruption he is helping along the way. I do see this technological/economic evolution being a gift to humanity, it is not a trojan horse, but the trojan horses are the forces already here with contracts with him. Does the end justify the means?

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